
2024 SGADC



Future Design and Multicultural Integration

Future Design and Multicultural Integration is a crucial direction in today’s design field. With the acceleration of globalization, the intertwining of different cultures, backgrounds, technologies, and needs calls for designers to embrace challenges and opportunities with an open and inclusive attitude. In future design, multicultural integration manifests not only in cross-cultural design concepts but also in the interpenetration of technology and art, tradition and modernity, and humans and nature. By integrating knowledge and skills from various fields, designers create innovative designs that are both functional and culturally rich, driving social progress and development.

This concept of multicultural integration promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration among designers, enriching and diversifying design works. Emerging technologies like VR and AR enable designers to provide unprecedented immersive experiences for users; combining traditional craftsmanship with modern design breathes new life into traditional culture. Moreover, in the process of multicultural integration, there is a greater focus on sustainability and social responsibility, creating a better living environment and experience for people worldwide. This design philosophy not only responds to current social needs but also actively explores and innovates the future of design.

Theme 1: Bridging Cultures – Cultural Integration
  • Art Design – Graphic Design
  • Space Design – Exhibition Design
  • Media Design – Film Production
  • Product Design – Jewelry Design

Theme Introduction: In the context of future design, cultural integration will be achieved through various design methods. Graphic design showcases the visual integration of diverse cultures, exhibition design builds cross-cultural communication platforms, film production tells cross-cultural stories, and jewelry design incorporates elements of different cultures into daily life, highlighting the beauty of cultural diversity.

Theme 2: Tomorrow’s Metropolis – Imagining Future Urban Life
  • Architectural Design – Public Building Design
  • Landscape Design – Public Space Design
  • New Technology Design
  • Industrial Design – Consumer Product Design

Theme Introduction: Future urban life will combine diverse design concepts, presenting a fusion of technology and humanity. Public building design will emphasize sustainability and intelligence, public space design will create pleasant urban green spaces, new technology applications will enhance urban living quality, and industrial design will develop intelligent living products, making city life more convenient and greener.

Theme 3: Educational Equality – Designing for Global Education Equity
  • Art Design – Graphic Design (Advertising Design)
  • Space Design – Exhibition Design
  • New Technology Design
  • Product Design – Fashion Design

Theme Introduction: Using future design concepts to achieve equitable distribution of global education resources. Advertising design calls for educational equity, exhibition design highlights the importance of educational equality, new technology design develops online education platforms, and fashion design incorporates educational elements, advocating for equal education for all.

Theme 4: Inclusive Access – New Perspectives on Accessible Design
  • Architectural Design – Public Building Design
  • Art Design – Graphic Design (Wayfinding Design)
  • Industrial Design – Consumer Product Design

Theme Introduction: Future accessible design will integrate diverse perspectives to create an inclusive society. Public building design ensures barrier-free access, wayfinding design provides clear guidance, and consumer product design considers the needs of people with different abilities, achieving true inclusivity.

Theme 5: Privacy Protection – Safeguarding Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Art Design – Web Design
  • Media Design – Multimedia Design
  • New Technology Design

Theme Introduction: In the digital age, privacy protection will incorporate diverse design concepts. Web design ensures user privacy, multimedia design integrates privacy protection measures, and new technology design develops advanced privacy protection technologies, creating a secure digital environment.

Theme 6: Inclusive Spaces – Designing Diverse Social Spaces
  • Space Design – Exhibition Design
  • Landscape Design – Urban Landscape Design
  • Art Design – Graphic Design, Art Creation
  • Architectural Design – Public Building Design

Theme Introduction: Future social space design will integrate diverse elements, promoting social inclusivity. Exhibition design offers diverse social activity spaces, urban landscape design creates multifunctional public areas, graphic design and art creation enrich the cultural atmosphere of social spaces, and public building design meets diverse social needs.

Theme 7: Craftsmanship Reborn – Combining Traditional Craft and Modern Design
  • Art Design – UI Design
  • Product Design – Fashion Design, Cultural Creative Design (Gift Design)

Theme Introduction: Combining traditional craftsmanship with modern design breathes new life into cultural heritage. UI design presents traditional aesthetics through digital technology, and fashion design and cultural creative design integrate traditional techniques with modern fashion, creating products that have cultural depth and meet contemporary tastes.

Theme 8: Virtual Heritage – Digital Museum Experience
  • New Technology Design
  • Art Design – Graphic Design (Brochure Design)
  • Media Design – Multimedia Production
  • Space Design – Exhibition Design (Museum Design)

Theme Introduction: Future museum experiences will combine diverse digital technologies, offering new sensory experiences. Digital display technology enhances audience immersion, graphic design enriches the museum experience through visual communication, multimedia production provides multi-sensory interaction, and museum exhibition design innovates display methods, bringing historical treasures to life.

Theme 9: Emergency Response – Rapid Response Design in Emergencies
  • Product Design – Device Design
  • Media Design – Film Production

Theme Introduction: In emergencies, future design will achieve rapid and diverse responses. Device design develops emergency equipment, film production disseminates emergency knowledge, and new technology design enhances emergency response efficiency, providing comprehensive emergency solutions for society.

Theme 10: New Workplace – Exploring Future Workspaces
  • Space Design – Office Space Design
  • Architectural Design – Commercial Building Design (Office Building Design)

Theme Introduction: Future workspace design will combine diverse needs to enhance efficiency and comfort. Office space design focuses on flexibility and intelligence, and commercial building design integrates new materials and technologies, creating efficient and eco-friendly work environments, bringing a new experience to the workplace.


Singapore Fine Arts Research Association
Singapore Fine Arts Development Association

The Singapore Fine Arts Research Association (SFARA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and researching fine arts. Established in 2012, SFARA aims to enhance Singaporeans’ understanding and appreciation of fine arts through research, exhibitions, lectures, and training activities. SFARA actively collaborates with fine arts institutions at home and abroad to jointly promote the development of fine arts in Singapore.

The Singapore Fine Arts Development Promotion Association (SFADPA) is a non-profit organization committed to promoting the development of fine arts in Singapore. Established in 2013, SFADPA’s main mission is to support the development of Singaporean fine artists and fine arts projects through funding, promotion, training, and exchange. SFADPA maintains close cooperation with government departments, enterprises, and other cultural and artistic organizations to create a favorable environment for the development of fine arts in Singapore.


  • June 6, 2024 to September 5, 2024 – Call for Design
  • September 10, 2024 to September 20, 2024 – Review period
  • September 22, 2024 – Preliminary Review Results
  • September 25, 2024 – Final Audit Results
2024 SGADC



  • Anyone from all over the world who is interested in design can participate. There is no limit to individuals or groups. Group participation is limited to 5 people, and 1 of them is the representative to complete the registration.
  • Entries must be original by the author and completed after February 2022.


Art and Design
  • Graphic Design: Logo design, business card design, brochure design, advertisement design, packaging design, book cover design, VI (Visual Identity) design, signage design, pattern design.
  • Web Design: Website visual design.
  • UI Design: Mobile application interface design, automotive interface design, game interface design, software interface design, interaction design.
  • Art Creation: Painting, arts and crafts, ceramics, sculpture.
Space Design
  • Interior Design: Residential design, commercial space design (such as shops, restaurants), office space design, exhibition space design.
  • Exhibition Design: Booth design, exhibition layout design, museum design.
Landscape Design
  • Urban Landscape Design: City park design, square design, street landscape design.
  • Garden Design: Private garden design, residential community landscape design.
  • Public Space Design: Ecological park design, waterfront landscape design.
Architectural Design
  • Residential Architectural Design: Single-family home design, residential community design, high-rise residential design.
  • Commercial Architectural Design: Shopping center design, office building design, hotel design.
  • Public Architectural Design: School design, hospital design, cultural facility design (such as libraries, theaters).
Media Design
  • Film and Television Production: Movie production, TV series production, advertisement production, animation production, short video production.
  • Multimedia Design: Interactive multimedia design, digital content creation.
Industrial Design
  • Consumer Product Design: Electronic product design, furniture design, transportation design (such as cars, motorcycles, bicycles).
  • Equipment Design: Household appliance design, industrial equipment design.
Product Design
  • Cultural and Creative Product Design: Development of cultural and creative products, souvenir design, gift design.
  • Fashion Design: Fashion design, sportswear design, professional attire design.
  • Accessory Design: Jewelry design, accessory design.
  • Installation Design.
New Technology Design
  • Virtual Reality Design (VR): Virtual scene design, virtual interactive experience design, VR game design.
  • Augmented Reality Design (AR): AR application design, AR advertisement design, augmented reality experience design.
  • Mixed Reality Design (MR): MR environment design, MR content development.
2024 SGADC



  • 2 places
    (one each for the proposition class and the freedom class)
  • S $3000 SGD

gold award

  • 5 places(S $2000 SGD)

TOP Silver award

  • 14 places(S $1000 SGD)

There are no bonuses


  • 150 places(No bonus)

Bronze award

  • 350 places(No bonus)

Preferred award

  • 25% places(No bonus)
2024 SGADC

Entry fee

Entry fees are based on a single entry, the fee for each entry is S $60,

and entries before 25 July 2024 can enjoy a halving of the entry fee, which is S $30

2024 SGADC

How to register

This registration is online registration. You need to submit the registration information first, and we will send you an email. You need to fill in the corresponding registration information and send the work after the second verification in the email.

You can start registration on the home page or by clicking the button below